RDS Aurora Redshift
MySQL Native Compatible, 5x Native Throughput  
MariaDB Native    
PostgreSQL Native Compatible, 3x Native Throughput Based on
Oracle Native    
SQL Server Native    
Availability Multi-AZ, Automatic host replacement Multi-AZ and Multi-Region cluster options Clustered by default. Multi-AZ and Multi-Region options
Durability Automatic backups with point-in-time recovery. Manual snapshots. Multi-AZ cluster volume, Automatic backups with point-in-time recovery, manual clones Automatic data node replacement (Cluster is unavailable for queries while replacing a data node.)
Consistency Read-after-write on source. Read replica lag as per each native engine. Read-after-write on primary. Milliseconds on in-region replicas. Seconds on cross-region replicas. Transactional consistency on producer and consumer clusters.
Partitioning Native sharding MySQL tablespaces, PostgreSQL partitions Supported only in Spectrum
Elasticity Relatively straightforward vertical and horizontal scaling. Can run Reserved Instances or On Demand As RDS or has a serverless offering that automatically starts, scales, and stops infrastructure as necessary, but has some limitations. More complex to resize leveraging elastic resize, classic resize, snapshot, restore, and resize or automated concurrency scaling.
Storage Size Limit 64 TiB (MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle), 16 TiB (SQL Server) 128 TiB Petabytes (directly), Exabytes (Spectrum / S3)
Table Size Limit   64 TiB (MySQL), 32 TiB (PostgreSQL)