Several open source projects have implemented portion of Pentair’s RS-485 protocol over the years, but none of them mesh with my setup and way of thinking. On the setup side, I only have a Pentair pump – I do not have any of the magic controllers or anything else that’s generally found on the RS-485 bus. For this project, I have a Raspberry Pi with an RS-485 adapter wired up directly to the pump. On the way-of-thinking side, most of the projects out there implement the minimum viable functionality and have magic bytes scattered around the code with the hows and whys buried in years of forum posts and chat logs. My goal is to publish a map of my pump’s complete API and implement a straight-forward class to interface with it.

Getting Started

In general, Pentair packets look like this:


  • [PACKET_HEADER] is always 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF.
  • PAYLOAD_HEADER is always 0xA5.
  • There’s some discussion around what VERSION is all about, but I’ve found that for my use case, it’s safe to always have it be 0x00.
  • DESTINATION is the address of the receiver. RS-485 is a broadcast bus and is not routed. That means that every packet will go to every device connected to the bus. The DESTINATION address tells the receiver that they should care about that packet.
  • SOURCE is the address of the sender. When the receiver responds, it will reverse SOURCE and DESTINATION. If you lie about the SOURCE, the receiver will happily set the response DESTINATION to whatever SOURCE you passed in the request.
  • ACTION is the basic action or class of actions you want to perform. This will make more sense later on.
  • DATA_LENGTH is the number of bytes in [DATA]. It can be 0.
  • [DATA] contains different things depending on the ACTION:
    • If the ACTION does not take any parameters, DATA_LENGTH will be 0 and will be followed directly by the [CHECKSUM]. For example, to request pump status, ACTION is 0x07 (get pump status), DATA_LENGTH is 0x00 and [DATA] doesn’t exist in the packet at all.
       Request:  [255, 0, 255, 165, 0, 96, 33, 7, 0, 1, 45]
    • If the ACTION takes a single byte argument, DATA_LENGTH will be 1 and [DATA] will contain the relevant argument. For example, to ready the pump for remote control, ACTION is 0x04 (set remote control), DATA_LENGTH is 1 and [DATA] is 0xFF (on).
       Request:  [255, 0, 255, 165, 0, 96, 33, 4, 1, 255, 2, 42]
    • Going on down the rabbit hole, some ACTIONS have sub-actions which are defined in [data]. For example, to ask the pump to run at 1500 rpm, ACTION is 0x01 (set settings) and [DATA] is 0x02, 0xC4, 0x05, 0xDC where 0x02, 0xC4 is (set rpm) and 0x05, 0xDC is the hex byte representation of 1500.
       Request:  [255, 0, 255, 165, 0, 96, 33, 1, 4, 2, 196, 5, 220, 2, 210]
  • [CHECKSUM] is a 2-byte (big-endian) representation of the sum of bytes beginning with and including PAYLOAD_HEADER and ending and including the last byte in [DATA].


As a general rule, response packets start out similar to the request but swap SOURCE and DESTINATION. Depending on the situation the response [DATA] could take a few forms:

  • If the request asked for data, those data will be returned. For example, if the request ACTION is 0x07 (get pump status), the response ACTION will stay 0x07 but its [DATA] will be an array of bytes representing various status elements.
    Request:  [255, 0, 255, 165, 0, 96, 33, 7, 0, 1, 45]  
    Response: [255, 0, 255, 165, 0, 33, 96, 7, 15, 10, 0, 0, 1, 25, 5, 220, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 16, 52, 2, 134]
  • If the request was a setter, the data that were set will be returned. For example, if the request ACTION is 0x04 (set remote control) and [DATA] is 0xFF, the response ACTION will stay 0x04 and its [DATA] will be 0xFF as well, confirming the value set.
    Request:  [255, 0, 255, 165, 0, 96, 33, 4, 1, 255, 2, 42]
    Response: [255, 0, 255, 165, 0, 33, 96, 4, 1, 255, 2, 42]
  • If the request [DATA] includes sub-actions / routing, only the final bytes of data actually set will be returned. For example, when the pump is set to 1500 rpm as above, the response ACTION will be 0x01 (set mode) but [DATA] will contain only 0x05, 0xDC representing 1500 with no reference to the 0x02, 0xC4 (set rpm) sub-action / route.
    Request:  [255, 0, 255, 165, 0, 96, 33, 1, 4, 2, 196, 5, 220, 2, 210]
    Response: [255, 0, 255, 165, 0, 33, 96, 1, 2, 5, 220, 2, 10]

Trying to Break Things

From previous research, we already have some good leads:

   'ACK':               0x00,
   'PROGRAM':           0x01,
   'REMOTE_CONTROL':    0x04,
   'SPEED':             0x05,
   'POWER':             0x06,
   'STATUS':            0x07,
   'UNKNOWN':           0xFF

Since ACTION is only one byte, let’s try throwing every possible ACTION with no [DATA] and see what we get back. (Note: While often effective, this sort of brute force testing can have lots of unintended consequences – like setting parameters, running functions, bricking the device you’re talking to, etc. Do this sort of thing at your own risk and preferably on equipment you don’t need in production.)

Req Action | Req Data | Res Action | Res Data
0x0 | | 0x0 | None
0x1 | | 0xff | [8]
0x2 | | 0xff | [8]
0x3 | | 0x3 | [13, 38]
0x4 | | 0x4 | [1]
0x5 | | 0x5 | [1]
0x6 | | 0x6 | [1]
0x7 | | 0x7 | [10, 0, 0, 2, 72, 7, 208, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 22, 13, 38]
0x8 | | 0xff | [8]
0x9 | | 0xff | [1]
0xff | | 0xff | [1]

That ... isn’t actually in the output, but I didn’t figure anyone wanted to scroll through ~200 lines that are all 0xff | [1]. Trust me, everything snipped out is uninteresting.

Our leads tell us that 0x01 should be a valid ACTION, but we get back 0xff. If we look over the rest of the tests, we can see that 0xff occasionally comes along with [DATA] being 8, but usually it’s 1. To my eyes, 0xff means ERROR with 1 being Command Not Found and 8 being Invalid Parameters.

Let’s run through the tests and see if this pans out comparing with the leads above:

  • Sending an ACTION of 0x00 gets us 0x00 with no [DATA] back. This does indeed feel like an Acknowledgment and nothing more.
  • Sending an ACTION of 0x01 gets us Invalid Parameters, which makes sense because setting up pump programs requires additional parameters.
  • Sending an ACTION of 0x02 gets us Invalid Parameters. We don’t know anything about 0x02 yet, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
  • Sending an ACTION of 0x03 gets us 2-bytes of [DATA]. We don’t know anything about 0x03 yet either, so more ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
  • Sending an ACTION of 0x04 gets us a 1. Not sure yet what this is telling us, but we got the 0x04 back, so probably not an error.
  • Sending an ACTION of 0x05 gets us a 1. Not sure yet what this is telling us, but we got the 0x05 back, so probably not an error.
  • Sending an ACTION of 0x06 gets us a 1. Not sure yet what this is telling us, but we got the 0x06 back, so probably not an error.
  • Sending an ACTION of 0x07 gets us back a bunch of [DATA] as would be expected for a status report. Haven’t we seen [13, 38] before? Interesting.
  • Sending an ACTION of 0x08 gets us Invalid Parameters. We don’t know anything about 0x08 yet, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
  • Sending anything else for ACTION gets us 0xff and 1 which I think has to mean Command Not Found. This means that moving forward we can reduce our brute force blast radius to 0x00 - 0x08 which should cut down on time considerably.

Get Time

Going back to previous research, we know that the pump status fields look like this:

   'RUN':                  0,
   'MODE':                 1,
   'DRIVE_STATE':          2,
   'WATTS_H':              3,
   'WATTS_L':              4,
   'RPM_H':                5,
   'RPM_L':                6,
   'GPM':                  7,
   'PPC':                  8,
   'UNKNOWN':              9,
   'ERROR':                10,
   'REMAINING_TIME_H':     11,
   'REMAINING_TIME_M':     12,
   'CLOCK_TIME_H':         13,
   'CLOCK_TIME_M':         14

That means those last two bytes – [13, 38] in our example – are the time. It seems pretty clear that an ACTION of 0x03 with no [DATA] gives us back the current clock time. We’ll have to poke around more to see if parameters do anything.


This gives us:

   'ACK_MESSAGE':       0x00,
   'PROGRAM':           0x01,
   'UNKNOWN_2':         0x02,
   'TIME':              0x03,
   'REMOTE_CONTROL':    0x04,
   'SPEED':             0x05,
   'POWER':             0x06,
   'STATUS':            0x07,
   'UNKNOWN_8':         0x08,
   'ERROR':             0xFF

   1: 'Unknown Command',
   8: 'Invalid Parameters'

Add Some Data

Let’s try throwing some data at each of our viable ACTIONS:

0x0 | 0x0 | 0x0 | None
0x0 | 0xff | 0x0 | None
0x1 | 0x0 | 0xff | [8]
0x1 | 0xff | 0xff | [8]
0x2 | 0x0 | 0xff | [8]
0x2 | 0xff | 0xff | [8]
0x3 | 0x0 | 0xff | [7]
0x3 | 0xff | 0xff | [7]
0x4 | 0x0 | 0x4 | [0]
0x4 | 0x1 | 0x4 | [1]
0x4 | 0xfe | 0x4 | [254]
0x4 | 0xff | 0x4 | [255]
0x5 | 0x0 | 0x5 | [0]
0x5 | 0x1 | 0x5 | [1]
0x5 | 0xfe | 0x5 | [254]
0x5 | 0xff | 0x5 | [255]
0x6 | 0x0 | 0x6 | [0]
0x6 | 0x1 | 0x6 | [1]
0x6 | 0xfe | 0x6 | [254]
0x6 | 0xff | 0x6 | [255]
0x7 | 0x0 | 0x7 | [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 59, 18, 53]
0x7 | 0xff | 0x7 | [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 59, 18, 53]
0x8 | 0x0 | 0xff | [8]
0x8 | 0xff | 0xff | [8]

Looking at the output, the first thing I notice is that 0x00 (acknowledgment) and 0x07 (get pump status) both acted exactly the same as before. This tells me that at least for simple ACTIONS, the pump is just throwing away extraneous bytes. Given that we know pretty well what 0x00 and 0x07 ACTIONS do, I think we can stop testing them moving forward.

The next interesting thing is that 0x03 is now throwing a 0xff and 7 is an error code we haven’t seen before. Being that 0x00 and 0x07 didn’t throw errors, it’s probably not “Got arguments but wasn’t expecting any”, but it’s likely something similar. Add it to the ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ list.

0x01, 0x02, and 0x08 all threw error code 8 across the board, so we probably need more parameters.

Now, for the interesting stuff. 0x04, 0x05, and 0x06 all gave me back the [DATA] byte I gave them. As for real life data, somewhere in 0x05 I heard the pump turn on and right at the beginning of 0x05, the pump turned off.


Let’s play with 0x05 (speed)

Req Action | Req Data | Res Action | Res Data | RPM
0x5 | 0x0 | 0x5 | [0] | 0
0x5 | 0x1 | 0x5 | [1] | 0
0x5 | 0x2 | 0x5 | [2] | 450
0x5 | 0x3 | 0x5 | [3] | 1150
0x5 | 0x4 | 0x5 | [4] | 1800
0x5 | 0x5 | 0x5 | [5] | 1800
0x5 | 0x6 | 0x5 | [6] | 1800
0x5 | 0x7 | 0x5 | [7] | 1800
0x5 | 0x8 | 0x5 | [8] | 1800
0x5 | 0x9 | 0x5 | [9] | 1800
0x5 | 0xa | 0x5 | [10] | 1800
0x5 | 0xb | 0x5 | [11] | 1800
0x5 | 0xc | 0x5 | [12] | 1800
0x5 | 0xd | 0x5 | [13] | 1800
0x5 | 0xe | 0x5 | [14] | 2180
0x5 | 0xf | 0x5 | [15] | 2880
0x5 | 0x10 | 0x5 | [16] | 3450
0x5 | 0x4e | 0x5 | [78] | 3450
0x5 | 0x4f | 0x5 | [79] | 0
0x5 | 0xff | 0x5 | [255] | 0

Trolling around the forums and such, I’ve found several bytes that could potentially be useful:

   'FILTER':       0x00,
   'MANUAL':       0x01,
   'SPEED_1':      0x02, # Backwash on some pumps?
   'SPEED_2':      0x03,
   'SPEED_3':      0x04,
   'SPEED_4':      0x05,
   'FEATURE_1':    0x06,
   'EXTERNAL_1':   0x09,
   'EXTERNAL_2':   0x0a,
   'EXTERNAL_3':   0x0b,
   'EXTERNAL_4':   0x0c,

Testing a little more deliberately, I find the following:

  • 0x00 has no effect
  • 0x01 has no effect
  • 0x02 sets the RPM to 1100 (min) and the timer to 24-hours
  • 0x03 sets the RPM to 2000 and the timer to 24-hours
  • 0x04 sets the RPM to 2350 and the timer to 24-hours
  • 0x05 sets the RPM to 3110 and the timer to 24-hours
  • 0x06 has no effect – likely Speed 5 which is not set by default
  • 0x07 has no effect – likely Speed 6 which is not set by default
  • 0x08 has no effect – likely Speed 7 which is not set by default
  • 0x09 has no effect – likely Speed 8 which is not set by default
  • 0x0a sets the RPM to 3450 (max) and the timer to 24-hours. This may be the documented Quick Clean feature?
  • 0x0b sets the RPM to 0 and the timer to 3-hours. This state also seems to block the pump from being remotely turned off or setting RPM manually until 0x02 - 0x05 are run. This may be the documented Time Out feature?
  • 0x0c has no effect
  • Passing extra [DATA] bytes have no effect. Everything acts the same as with the single byte, similar to [0x00] and [0x07] when they received extra bytes.

This leaves us at:

   'SPEED_1':     0x02,
   'SPEED_2':     0x03,
   'SPEED_3':     0x04,
   'SPEED_4':     0x05,
   'QUICK_CLEAN': 0x0b,
   'TIME_OUT':    0x0c,